My RC license for windows expired so the second operating system on my laptop is now linux. Ran into some glitches with the X port of my gaming framework. They may be nearly impossible to work out with Xlib, but easily fixed by moving to xcb. However, opengl requires xlib. Looks like i'll have to use that bastardization xcb-xlib. I do however have server (listener) sockets functional. Just need to whip up the client sockets.
As a side note, I'm once again frustrated with my text editors. Geany is what i want, but no vi keybindings makes me a sad panda. Gedit is close but vi keybindings on it are broke as hell. So i'm writing my own. I have some ui ideas i really want to try out anyhow.
The upshot of all this is that between school and the text editor distraction, the gaming framework/combat might slide a little, but maybe i'll finally have a cross platform text editor that doesn't suck.