Thursday, September 11, 2008

laptop news

Well, my iBook died, again. Video keeps cutting out. I spent a large chunk of money on a new MacBook.

So far my impression is that my iBook was really impressive. It's not that the macbook isn't fast, it is. It's just that the only thing i've noticed a speed difference in so far is installing xcode. about 5-10 minutes instead of 30-45. other than that, that little ibook was a champ.

also got the free ipod touch with my macbook. that thing is ridiculous. calling it an ipod is disingenuous. it's more like full fledged pda that is really good at playing music.

btw, the and myspace apps for the ipod blow, if you read this in the next couple months, don't use them, they are unstable as hell. hopefully that will get fixed soon.

i'm getting rid of my desktop so development of ycurses is on hold until i a) get gdc working in leopard or b) get linux installed on my macbook. hopefully that will happen sometime before the end of the month.

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