Sunday, August 31, 2008

Busy busy.

Well, it's been a while since I last blogged, and a lot has happened. Here is the rundown:

I am registered for school, and somehow managed to get financial aid, despite my abysmal performance last year. YAY. Just taking two credits, trying to get my school work ethic back, so i'm going to slowly build up to the asskicking classes that i really need, by slowly building up with the last few generals i need.

I've nearly completed milestone 2 with my ycurses thingie. just need to finish up the form library then it's done. i'll be releasing an alpha beta rc cycle with this milestone, as there are a lot of templates involved and potential for lots of bugs, so we'll wait until a) i line by line verify it. b) lots of time has passed and no bugs show up. Also, i've been rethinking the roadmap a little, thinking about adding a d-centric layer, and maybe support for curses.

fixed my laptop....again....typing from it now actually. it turns out that when i tried to fix the power adapter last time i accidentally cut a tiny hole in the insulated wire that was shorting out on the wire sheath, which is why it worked with bare wires, but as soon as i tried to put it together it stopped working. my battery is still shot though i think, i'm trying to recondition it now, if that doesn't work, i'll have to reset the pmu and calibrating again, if that still doesn't work, then i'll be thinking seriously about getting a macbook with my financial aid instead of sinking $100 into an ancient ibook running through the grace of several miles of electrical tape, and coins attached to logic boards.

that's the gist of it, my birthday is next friday, if you know me and read this, come. bars, followed by jungle juice, yummy

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Finished with about 1/3 of the curses module. Nothing really new on that front, just plugging away still.

Got new brakes in my car yesterday, but had to borrow money from my roommates sister to do it, so I'm gonna try to pick up a close tonight. That plus my day shift tomorrow and my camping trip this weekend means not much time for code for a while :-(

Might not update the blog for a bit too, since I'll be pretty busy for a few days.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Curses and girlfriend.

Over the weekend I've made a strong start on going through the ncurses man pages and verifying that everything in my curses module is up to spec. I've finished with about 16% of them.

Two things interesting about my progress:
  1. There are way more macros than I expected, which means more likelyhood of bugs :-( so i may have to write or find a stress tester for the thing.
  2. The excessive amounts of macros means I might be able to implement a set of "safe" d-style templates to replace the c-style ones i've got now, without adding excessive code size, or a library to link in.
So that's my progress on curses.

My girlfriend has been in B-town all weekend, and she just got back, so I'm probably going to spend the rest of the day with her, and won't be working on curses until at least tomorrow.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well, i just committed the last part of my first milestone for my ycurses package, so now i need to finish giving it a web page with a roadmap and some documentation, before i get started on my next step.

I also put up a link to the other curses binding for D out there, in case it's more suitable for the three people that will need a curses binding in D.

I'm working at We Fest this weekend, so I'm gonna be in and out of town and tired, so I don't know as I'll get much done, but hopefully I'll give the curses package a reasonable web site sometime before Monday.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

work on form has began

i just started my work on the binding for the form library as part of my yCurses bindings for D.

Barely started and now i have to go to work. i is sad, maybe i'll get a chance to work on it some tonight before bed, but i doubt it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, now i've got a proper blog instead of an icky myspace blog. weee.